Dec 19, 2006

I never said I was the sharpest blade in the drawer

Above is a picture of something you don't find in the average desk drawer: an Xacto blade dispenser. Way cool. The blades are in this little pocket that's spring loaded so it rises as the blade supply shrinks. I have one at work because ... wait for it ... I often use an Xacto blade. My dispenser over a decade old, but never reloaded, because ... wait for it ... I don't use an Xacto blade that often.

Anyway, today is the first time in all of those years that I noticed a little slot in the dispenser. See it above? It stumped me for only a fraction of a second, I'm proud to say.

That's where the used blades go, so they're collected safely.

And I've just been throwing them into my waste basket all this time. Where they could cut through the garbage bag, slice somebody's finger—Lord knows what mayhem they've been causing.

Keith, Ya Goof!

Take a closer look at your office tools. Who knows what you might discover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have one of those at work too. I've never had to use it though, and never noticed the slot. Wonder if I would have?