Mar 1, 2006

Let there be YaGoof!

Today is the official launch of YaGoof! There couldn't be a better day to begin than March 1, 2006. My father turns 70 years old today. Son Bobby turns 23. It's National Pig Day, always a big day for my employer, New Pig.

This site is a fun experiment for our family, in partnership with our valued supporters, the Altoona Mirror, our local newspaper and publisher of our family's first book, and McIntyre's Candies, the hometown candy company that creates and ships the fantastic FREE CHOCOLATE to weekly YaGoof! winners. We have no idea how to build traffic for any of us! But we're determined to try!

We want this to be a child- and family-friendly site, and we have to start somewhere, so here's what it's going to be: We're going to start by inviting one class from one school from each of the United States (in alphabetical order) to submit to our blog. I just finished the first email to a class in Alabama—you'll find the link in the sidebar at right.

Before I close, I need to submit a goof of my own. This post is already long enough, so I'll keep it short: Today I found that I had misplaced my swimming goggles. Let that be an example that you can submit ANY goof; it doesn't have to be all flashy.

I do have flashy goofs, but I'll save them for another day.

By the way, my entry is not eligible for the FREE CHOCOLATE. That's for you other goofs out there! GOOF LUCK!

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