Janet and I have been married 18 years as of yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from a most special friend who lives multiple time zones away. We speak too rarely.
Below is an email chain where I call him "Also A. Husband," so as to protect his identity. He claims that I got him in trouble.
I say: A.A, Ya Goof! *You* got you in trouble!
From: Also A. Husband
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 12:51 PM
To: Keith Eldred
Subject: Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary to you and Janet. Let’s catch up sometime soon.
From: Keith Eldred
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 9:57 AM
To: Also A. Husband
Subject: RE: Happy Anniversary
Yeah, we need to do a call. And I need to get *your* Anniversary in my calendar. I thought I had it but nope. I'm saying ... May 18?
From: Also A. Husband
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 8:39 PM
To: Keith Eldred
Subject: RE: Happy Anniversary
Close … May 26th. You caused me big trouble because I had to confirm with the wife. Life is good but very, very busy right now. Look forward to talking.
From: Keith Eldred
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:25 AM
To: Also A. Husband
Subject: RE: Happy Anniversary
Ah, so I'm not the only one who doesn’t have it in his calendar. : )
From: Also A. Husband
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:46 AM
To: Keith Eldred
Subject: RE: Happy Anniversary
Worse than that … I do have it in my calendar but was too lazy to scroll through until May. Thinking I knew the date, I just casually threw out an “Our Anniversary is on … right?" And of course I wasn’t right. Gave us both a good laugh and her a chance to tease me.
Sep 23, 2008
Sep 10, 2008
Speak. Roll over. Growl.
You know what burns my biscuits? The fact that my biscuits are often burned is that I'm a juvenile hothead, so you can factor that in, but still ...
Today what burns my biscuits is that I'm to be a speaker at a conference, and the conference organizers keep sending me emails asking for this release form and that informational form that I've already submitted.
The first time it happened, I had nothing to show that I'd already sent the form, so I had to go through the process of printing out the form again, filling it out again, faxing it again. I hate faxing.
After that, I learned to create a PDF of the form and email that, which is generally accepted as readily as a fax is, and then archive the email so that when I get the next email saying "Where is your ...? ", then I can re-send the email and add a brief note along the lines of ...
(Insert irritated breathing here).
If you're a Conference Organizer, today I say to you: Ya Goof!

The first time it happened, I had nothing to show that I'd already sent the form, so I had to go through the process of printing out the form again, filling it out again, faxing it again. I hate faxing.
After that, I learned to create a PDF of the form and email that, which is generally accepted as readily as a fax is, and then archive the email so that when I get the next email saying "Where is your ...? ", then I can re-send the email and add a brief note along the lines of ...
Will someone there please get a clue and stop sending me
emails asking for stuff that I've already submitted?
emails asking for stuff that I've already submitted?
(Insert irritated breathing here).
If you're a Conference Organizer, today I say to you: Ya Goof!
Sep 8, 2008
Peanut butter fingers

Speaking of sidewalks--this time my sidewalk--that's where I dropped a bag last night containing two glass jars of peanut butter. One was big, the other even bigger.
But the only damage was a little chipping at the top ridge of this one. The accident even opened the plastic sealing band for me.
You got off easy that time, Ya Goof.

You with the bike--you're not a goof, you're a jerk.
(Unless of course, you braked each separate time to avoid running into a kitten ... or something like that.)
Hang it all
Sep 6, 2008
Here's what happened to Ethan today
In his words ...
"I went down to the football field today to play Ultimate Frisbee, and the gate was wide open, presumably from last night's game, so I rode my bike right in. After we were done, and I went to leave, the gate was closed, so I had to have some guys help me lift my bike over the fence."
"I went down to the football field today to play Ultimate Frisbee, and the gate was wide open, presumably from last night's game, so I rode my bike right in. After we were done, and I went to leave, the gate was closed, so I had to have some guys help me lift my bike over the fence."
Ethan, Ya Goof!
A stem shame
A house around the corner from us has (had?) a giant rose in the front yard.
I'm not sure what happened here. Perhaps it's going to join other giant roses from other front yards around the country in one huge bouquet?
All I can say is, when the giant bride sends that bouquet flying backwards over her head ... watch out.
(And if this was a vandalisting uprooting, I say to the vandal: Ya Goof!)
Sep 5, 2008
So I was taking a shower at the Y this morning, and I look down, and what do I see but a brownish lump.
Oh, not on me, friend, on the floor! But thanks for your concern.
It was a little misshapen cylinder. Sausage-shaped. Did I mention that it was brown?
Yeah, that's the thought that crossed my mind, too.
I heard a story on the radio once that it's common for people to ... well, to ... you know ... in changing rooms in department stores.
Fortunately, I've never seen this in a changing room that I was using.
Anyway ...
This lumpy little sausage-like cylinder turned out to be ... a paper towel. Wet and wadded up.
But it sure looked like something else.
What probably happened is, someone forgot his towel and used this paper towel to dry off. To dry off some part of himself, anyway. He probably had more than the one towel, but he dropped this one.
I've forgotten my towel before, too, so I won't say to him: Ya Goof!
The picture below is a recreation. I didn't have my camera with me at the time.
Sep 4, 2008
A good time not to be barrelling along

On the way in to work this morning, I had to slow down in a construction zone on I-99 when a traffic barrel such as pictured above got away from a worker and rolled into the traffic lane. I had plenty of time to slow down. It just so happened that I was driving about the limit of 50. I may even have been doing 49. The barrel rolled into the lane and then right back to where the worker was standing.
Sep 2, 2008
It's not the lack of power or the humiliation, its the lack of power AND the humiliation
I set up a computer monitor for the Library this weekend. It took about four times as long as it should have.
When I plugged it in, and went to push the power button, it appeared that there *was* no button. Yes, the icons were there, but there was no actual button--nothing to depress.
I tried plugging the monitor into an outlet that I knew was working--because there was a lit lamp in it--and still there was nothing.
Seeing no alternative, I packed the thing up and took it to Best Buy, where Janet had bought it. The Geek Squad member on duty, took hold of it in that way that communicates (intentionally or not) I-will-bring-my-superior-knowledge-and-intelligence-to-bear-on-this-puny-matter, and (naturally), the monitor lit up right away. It immediately occurred to me that I may have incorrectly inserted the end of the power cord into the monitor.
"Okay, I see it's working," I said, "I have to get going (which was true). I just want to pack it up as quickly as possible and get out of here." I was in no mood for geekly explanations or explorations.
"Do you know what they did?" Janet said. I made a face which made her drop the question.
We had to pause at the door for the Blue Polo on Duty to check our receipt, which thankfully we had at the ready.
Back at the Library, I made sure to insert the power cord correctly, and there was still no sign of life from the monitor. I took a closer look at the power strip and flipped that little switch with the line on one end and the broken circle thingy on the other. The power strip came to life and so did the monitor.
I'm not crazy about the no-button buttons. Sure, it makes for a sleek look, but whenever you pick up the monitor (which will be frequently in this case, because the laptop to which it's attached will be routinely detached for use), you activate one of the buttons.
Keith, Ya Goof.
When I plugged it in, and went to push the power button, it appeared that there *was* no button. Yes, the icons were there, but there was no actual button--nothing to depress.
I tried plugging the monitor into an outlet that I knew was working--because there was a lit lamp in it--and still there was nothing.
Seeing no alternative, I packed the thing up and took it to Best Buy, where Janet had bought it. The Geek Squad member on duty, took hold of it in that way that communicates (intentionally or not) I-will-bring-my-superior-knowledge-and-intelligence-to-bear-on-this-puny-matter, and (naturally), the monitor lit up right away. It immediately occurred to me that I may have incorrectly inserted the end of the power cord into the monitor.
"Okay, I see it's working," I said, "I have to get going (which was true). I just want to pack it up as quickly as possible and get out of here." I was in no mood for geekly explanations or explorations.
"Do you know what they did?" Janet said. I made a face which made her drop the question.
We had to pause at the door for the Blue Polo on Duty to check our receipt, which thankfully we had at the ready.
Back at the Library, I made sure to insert the power cord correctly, and there was still no sign of life from the monitor. I took a closer look at the power strip and flipped that little switch with the line on one end and the broken circle thingy on the other. The power strip came to life and so did the monitor.
I'm not crazy about the no-button buttons. Sure, it makes for a sleek look, but whenever you pick up the monitor (which will be frequently in this case, because the laptop to which it's attached will be routinely detached for use), you activate one of the buttons.
Keith, Ya Goof.
Sep 1, 2008
The good news is that it was a safe landing. The bad news is ...
And the Duke / University of North Carolina (UNC) rivalry just got a little more bizarre. As both North Carolina colleges kicked off their NCAA Football campaigns yesterday, a skydiver was supposed to land in the UNC stadium for some pregame festivities. After some miscommunication / misunderstanding, he arrived in Durham and Duke’s pregame. Ummmm…
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