After work one day last week, I opened my car door to find a can of chocolate pudding in the seat.
And I mean a BIG can. Institutional size. Evidently someone thought I wasn't getting my daily allowance.
(On the other hand, others would be quick to say that I'm full of chocolate pudding, if you know what I mean.)
Or maybe someone bought some chocolate pudding from someone else and it ended up in my car by mistake?
I brought it in the next morning and paused in the doorway of my co-worker Beth, pudding can on hip. That brought a knowing smile.
"I've heard that was going around. It just keeps turning up where you least expect it."
I know a budding Pudding War when I see it, so I decided the circuit would end with me.
You know my posting yesterday about Camp Blue Diamond? That's a very busy church camp. With a dining hall that can always use donations. This weekend when I was there, the kitchen manager gratefully accepted my contribution.
Drop a dessert on me, eh? Ya Goof!
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