Trying to save time sometimes costs you far more time than you'd ever save.
In this case, I was attempting to save the precious seconds lost in extracting barbecue sauce from a bottle that was getting low. I stored the bottle upside-down in one of the shelves in the fridge door. I've always gotten a kick out of bottles made to be stored upside down. The idea is great and simple. Simply great!
Note: My big sister and her husband have complained to me that ketchup spurts or even explodes from a bottle designed for upside-down storage, but I've never had that happen. Maybe it's due to higher air pressure in their house. Completely plausible, given how this sister can talk. Oops, did I type that out loud?
Anyway, the barbecue sauce bottle that I stored for speedy use wasn't made to be stored upside-down, but it would have done the job just fine IF I'd made sure that the cap was on tight.
Don't get ahead of me now. Let a couple beats go by to denote that two weeks passed before I next reached for that particular bottle.
That's when I found that all of the sauce had flowed out of the bottle through the loosened cap and onto the bottle's shelf ... and the shelf below that ... and the shelf below that. Like so:

All I can say is: Keith ...

"given how this sister can talk. Oops, did I type this out loud?''
Yes, you did little brother!!!!!!!
My question would be:
After two weeks, how many people that live in your house had actually noticed the spilled B-B-Q sauce but said nothing and left it for the "goof" that had placed the bottle upside down to clean up?
Hmmmm....maybe that would only happen in my house......
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