Sep 6, 2006

Coming home to a swinging single

Here's a voice mail left on my work phone late yesterday afternoon:

Hello, Dad, this is Emmett. Um, It's ... Um, call back if you're there, but ... well, one of the sliding doors, Er, no, not the sliding doors, but the swinging doors ... one of the swinging doors to the kitchen, just fell off somehow. I guess it was stuck or something. Okay, bye.

Followed by this voice mail a couple minutes later:

Hello, Dad, this is Emmett again. Just calling to forewarn you. Bye.

Emmett wasn't even the goof who was, shall we say, closest to the door when it "fell off." That would be Ethan.

"I just kind of shouldered it like I always do," he said, shrugging said shoulder and its mate.

One too many shoulderings, apparently. Or maybe it got snagged on the backpack carrying fifty pounds of books.

Anyway, this damage is not an easy fix, and it was a major pain to install those doors, so for a while the doorway has reverted to its old naked self.

Janet cuts me slack these days when I take things like this in stride. That will buy me (a wee bit of) time for a replacement strategy.

Still ... Ethan, Ya Goof!

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