Apr 29, 2006

The family that goofs together ...

A few of this weekend's goofs:

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I reminded Janet to pick up Emmett at practice. She went to two different baseball fields, then came up to the house to see if Emmett was here, but he wasn't, so she went back to the first field to look again, then came back to the house, where the phone rang. It was Emmett.

"Where are you?" he said.

"Where are you?"

"At play practice!"

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I dropped into Tractor Supply to get some grass seed. A staffer showed me seed for shady areas (which is what we need), but my eye landed on a bag that said "Easy Start, Low Maintenance," which is what *I* need, so I got that. I assumed it was also seed for shady areas, until I got home and saw that it was color-coded for eight hours of sun a day. The return round trip was nineteen minutes.

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All of Team EEK! was invited to a party, but on the way, Ethan was reading the invitation and came to the part about bring folding chairs. I forgot about that, so we turned back to get them. After we arrived twenty minutes late, I forgot the chairs in the car and had to walk back to get them. After having a great time, we were about to pull out when Emmett remembered the chairs. Ethan jumped out to get them, raising Emmett's suspicions. "Bet you ten dollars that he comes back with another Pepsi from the cooler up there." He was right.

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That bet reminded the guys of another bet from a time when they were swimming at Canoe Creek. Apparently, Ethan had bet Emmett that he could skip a rock over his head. Emmett took the bet and lost. The rock hit him on the cheek.

"Ooh, you didn't even throw up your hands?" I asked.


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Team EEK!, Ya Goofs!

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