This story has two parts.
A few weeks ago, a shirt appeared in our basement, on the clothesline where we hang laundry after it comes out of the dryer. It was a Batman-oriented shirt, used but still nifty. I'm the Bat-fan of the family, so I thought maybe Janet and/or the kids had come across it in a second-hand shop and brought it home. It hung on the line for a while, and no one claimed it, so I thought that must be the case. I never did actually inquire about it; I just wore it one day around the house, and no one said anything contrary, so that was that. Or so I thought.
It so happened that after church today, (a) I wore the shirt and (b) we had guests for part of the afternoon, brothers Gabe and Kendrick Imler. Gabe is in sixth grade, like Emmett, and Kendrick is age five. Janet picked up a pizza for dinner, and everyone was seated around it at the kitchen table when I came in. It was the first that Gabe or Kendrick had seen of me.
"Hey!" Kendrick said. "My brother has a shirt just like that!"
That's when it first occurred to any of us that Gabe must have left the shirt behind the last time that he slept over. He and I happen to wear about the same size.
"Hmm," said Gabe, quickly latching on. "Have you ever been to Six Flags New England?" (which is where the shirt hailed from.)
"Er ... no," I said. The jig was up.
Above you see Gabe reunited with his shirt. I guess Janet must have made an assumption similar to mine (that the shirt came from a second-hand shop) when she put the shirt in the laundry.
Keith, Ya Goof!